The votes are in and unless the establishment can do some mighty fancy footwork to counter it, it would appear that Britain is going to go it alone after 40 years of being a part of the EU.

Being a Texan, I have a great leaning toward independence but will reserve judgment on the results of Brexit.  Given the wide world of possibility for unintended consequence to rear its ugly head I don’t think anyone can adequately predict all, good or bad, that might ensue from this action.  The future of England, and the EU itself, will now depend on the level of cooperation, or of the resistance to forming a new norm, that will occur.

Globalism is a great leveler of the economies involved in it and for that reason I am not a great fan.  If I were a citizen of an impoverished third world nation I would be an enthusiastic supporter because the leveling effect would be an asset to my economy.  As a Texan, and citizen of the USA, and having lived through many decades of recent history, I have had a front row seat to the spectacle we all know and love as “the erosion of the American manufacturing base.”

Watching our once prosperous middle class slowly slide toward oblivion while the driving forces of globalism grow ever richer through the leveling process that is lifting other economies at our expense has not been a pleasant experience.

Call me selfish, isolationist, xenophobic, even ostrich-like, head buried in the sand as the rest of the planet marches lockstep toward the glorious future of One World United.  I prefer to think of myself as a person who, after first first taking care of our own, is completely willing to freely share any surplus.  But in order to share a surplus one must first have a surplus.

In a greater sense, given the rapid rise of terrorist threats and actions, juxtaposed on a world stage increasingly dominated by those seeking a One World Order, I see the future as one of continued conflict between two irreconcilable forces, the Globalists and the Mahdis.

I blogged on this subject a few months ago and invite you to revisit it via the link below:

BREXIT is just the latest in the growing pains our planet is experiencing as we grope toward some common ground in creating a fair and equitable system that will include all the inhabitants of Spaceship Earth.  But while we make strides in that noble quest we must not lose sight of the very real conflict between those two forces that view victory as a zero sum game and will be content with nothing short of the total defeat of the opposing side.

This is my opinion and I welcome yours.

About rixlibris

Retired from child care photography after thirty years of coaxing smiles and wiping noses. Currently venting years of repressed fictional story lines via self-published novels. Married and still alive in a remote corner of Waller County, Texas.
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14 Responses to BREXIT AND BEYOND

  1. Capt Jill says:

    I’m also in favor of individualism vs globalism. I think the further away from the people any government gets, the worse it is for the people. I also favor liberty and freedom as the greatest force for raising the living standards for everybody. I HOPE that is what will happen with Brexit.
    The way I understand it, is the Parliament still gets to vote on it at some point. Seems to me, since so many of them oppose it, they can just vote to reverse it and that will be that.
    It seems to me it’s very rare that the people ever get to make the rules about anything these days. It’s all just propaganda to keep us all quiet (in our chains).

  2. rixlibris says:

    Howdy, Capt, thanks for your comment. Under a referendum system there will be a certain number of petitioners necessary to bring any measure to a binding vote. The immediate reaction of the “stays” was to organize a drive to get signatures for another referendum vote on the matter, the thinking being that enough people who voted “leave” will have had “buyer’s remorse” to reverse the movement. Whether or not this will gain traction remains to be seen.

  3. It’s not going to be a smooth sail for United Kingdom. Their independence will certainly come at a price that at the end of the day, I hope it will be worth it for them. With the way the World is right now, it’s almost difficult for one to go it alone. We’ll just wait and see how everything pans out.

    • rixlibris says:

      Thanks for your comment. You are right, it will not be smooth sail but, in my opinion, it could be a lot smoother if not for all the hidden agendas in play. I often say (some think too often) that there are no complicated solutions to any of life’s problems, only complicated reasons to not pursue the simple solutions available. As long as we see Isolationism and Globalism as polar opposites there can be no accommodations. One demands that a nation “go it alone” on the world stage the other that a nation surrender its sovereignty in order to play and vested interests on each side find profit in avoiding any middle ground.

  4. amommasview says:

    Just had a conversation with a friend of ours who is from Norway. So Norway and Switzerland never joined the EU. But we have agreements with them. And guess what: It’s all fine. Actually the standard of living in both countries is not just fine, it’s very good. The EU has many good sides to it but I still believe that if you run a country in a decent manner you have more control, more oversight and can react to the need of your citizens in a better way… When the EU was born one of the arguments to join in was the example of the United States Of America. Now for me that never worked. The USA was founded on a very different ground. So using it to convince people to unite all European countries to basically create a European USA felt very wrong for me.

  5. rixlibris says:

    You are right, the two models, EU and USA, are poles apart. And to compound the differences, the USA as it is today would not have been possible had the vision of our founders been held to. This country grew primarily through manifest destiny and the notion that if something was “good for the country” it didn’t need to pass constitutional muster. After all, who was there to complain? For instance, under our constitution the federal government cannot do anything that is not specifically allowed by that document. This means that such things as the Louisiana Purchase, Federal ownership of land, The War Between the States, just to name three of hundreds, were all accomplished without constitutional authority. Again, who is there to complain since it was all for “the good of the country?”

  6. Pingback: My Picks Of The Week #28 | A Momma's View

  7. Mired in half truths, ego, lies, fearmongering, personal agenda and xenophobia it probably needed someone on the outside to issue possibly the most clear thinking comment on this subject I have heard yet.

    • rixlibris says:

      I appreciate your input. I can’t speak for Europe but here in America I sometimes find myself thinking that a political system run by Artificial Intelligence might be preferable. The genuine article seems to be getting more problematic with the passage of time.

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